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Charlie Henzi

 Progressing to: University of the Arts London, Central  Saint Martins 

 BA(Hons) Fine Art 

Artist's Statement:


The Intimate Self’ is a body of work based on the female body, though due to the figurative nature of the work it can also be viewed as the human body. Inspired by my own experiences, I wanted to create work that confronted how we view and perceive our own bodies.


As I created the work I measured it as a failure or success by the perfect image I had preconceived in my head and each tiny ‘imperfection’. Over time, I questioned these ideals and realised that the thinking I had about my work was the exact kind of thinking I was trying to confront. Each piece aims to challenge the deep-rooted negative thinking about ourselves and others we have been taught by unrealistic beauty standards and religious ideals.

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