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Erin Maher

Progressing to: Arts University Bournemouth 

BA (Hons) Photography

Artist Statement:


My ideas began as an array of themes that I considered exploring as I was not able to pinpoint one main topic, however I knew wanted to focus on the idea of dreams as the work I have created so far in this project have all ended up unintentionally being dreamy images.

the intention behind my current work is to blend my current reality with dreams and imaginative ideas, this works with my media of photography as I am able to take photos of myself in my home environment and the things I see around me and then digitally alter these images to create surreal dream-like environments. Especially due to quarantine I have realised that my mind tends to create these dreamy images of my surroundings to make everything seem more magical and interesting therefore I think these images will communicate a mental image of my anxieties and dreams merged into my real life.

In terms of outside sources and artists I have been influenced by Brooke Shaden specifically in the ways in which she creates her images, as she takes photos of women in open spaces and real environments and then edits them in post-production to convey a particular story or narrative 

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